Thursday 15 September 2011

Acid reflux disease or Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

It is a chronic digestive disease that occurs when the acid in the stomach flows back into the food pipe (oesophagus).
This acid irritates the inner lining of food pipe and causes symptoms. It may be occur without any symptoms but at times it can cause distress. This disease can occur at any age. Homeopathy treats acidity and gives relief to the patient irrespective of his diet and food habits.

 How does acid reflux disease occur?
Oesophagus (food pipe) is a hollow muscular organ of digestive system which is specially designed for passing food, saliva and water from mouth to stomach for digestion. It is connected with the pharynx at the upper end and with the stomach at the lower end.

It is guarded by two muscular valves at the upper and lower ends which helps to close the connection with stomach and pharynx.  It only opens during swallowing of food and water. Afterwards it closes automatically.

When this muscular valve fails to close normally due to weakness, acid from stomach can travel back to the oesophagus. This backward movement of acid is called reflux. If this persists for a long time, it causes irritation to the mucosal lining of oesophagus and it becomes inflamed.

Overtime, the inflammation can eat up the oesophagus and produces various symptoms and complications.

Abnormal relaxation or weakness of oesophageal muscle is responsible for acidity and acidity-like symptoms.

Risk factors
  • Overweight, obesity 
  • Certain foods such as spicy food, chillies, fried food, chocolate, coffee, tea, onions and garlic
  • Hiatus hernia (It is a stomach abnormality in which the stomach moves above the diaphragm, allowing reverse flow of acid.)
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Dry mouth
  • Alcohol
  • Prolonged stress
  • Diabetes
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (produces excessive acidity, lying down or bending at waist shortly after meals
  • Heavy meals at night
  • Laborious physical activity after eating
  • Certain medicines like sedatives, aspirin

  • Burning sensation in chest and throat after eating
  • Difficulty in swallowing or dysphagia
  • Vomiting of undigested food
  • Chest pain
  • Excessive saliva secretion
  • Nausea
  • Sour and bitter taste  in mouth 
  • Complaints may be worse at night
  • Vomiting of blood and black stool
  • Pharyngitis
  • Bad breath
        Symptoms in children
    • Repeated vomiting
    • Effortless spitting
    • Cough
    • Difficulty in breathing
    • Inconsolable & persistent loud crying
    • Failure to gain weight
    • Bad appetite
    • Bad breath
    • Belching
      1. Narrowing of oesophagus
      2. Oesophageal ulcer
      3. Barrett oesophagus
      • X-ray - To see the shape and condition of oesophagus and confirm the diagnosis.
      • Endoscopy- To examine stomach and oesophagus and also to collect tissue for further investigations and confirmation of diagnosis.
      • Ambulatory acid probe test- It is test useful to identify when and for how long acid from the stomach regurgitates into the oesophagus.
      • Avoid food for at least 4 hours before bed time
      • Avoid alcohol and smoking
      • Eat small meals at short intervals
      • Maintain regular food timings
      • Avoid eating spicy, fried and fatty food
      • Take plenty of water or fluids
      • Treat acidity with proper homeopathic medicines
      • Use extra pillows under the head
      • Do proper exercise and avoid stress

       Role of Homeopathy in acid reflux diseases

      Acid reflux disease is a very common disease among the people of today’s time.

      Constitutional treatment is most effective to treat cases of acid reflux disease. The correct constitutional medicine acts on the lower oesophageal valve and restores its normal function so that it remains closed preventing rise of acid into the throat. 

      Therefore, the acid does not regurgitate into the oesophagus.

      Homeopathic medicines also promote speedy healing of the damaged tissue of oesophagus.

      To arrive at the correct homeopathic remedy, the doctor takes a detailed interview of the patient at the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.  Person's behavior during stress, struggle, failures, adjustments, and sorrow in his life also other physical symptoms like desires, aversion, perspiration, menstrual discharge, stool, urine, sleep, dreams and reactions to temperature should be known.

      As homeopathic medicines treat the disease from its roots, frequent relapse of symptoms can be prevented and its effect remains permanent. Thus it saves money, strength and valuable time of the patient.

      With the help of medicines we can successfully control the progress of disease. Thus, many complications like narrowing of oesophagus; cancer etc. can be prevented.

      Homeopathic medicines are the best and safest choice for infants and children as they have no side effects and these pills without creating any scene. Homeopathy is a safe bet during pregnancy.

      The acute symptoms of acid reflux disease like chest pain, burning, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting etc. can be managed well with homeopathic medicines.
      They reduce the severity, duration and frequency of symptoms and offer comfort to patient. Thus need of antacids and painkillers can be reduced.

      Other benefits of homeopathy..

      It can be taken for long time without creating any side effects as it is non toxic.
      It is well indicated in children and pregnant women
      It can be taken along with other conventional medicines especially in diabetic and high BP patient
      Homeopathic medicines should be taken under supervision of a registered homeopath.

      Written by Experts at BASIL Wellness,

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